THRIVING CITIES Graphic design & communications:

As the visual storyteller and strategic product designer at Thriving Cities, I experimented, refined, and translated important research and complex data into highly visual communication products. Below are a few selected examples:
Image Gallery:
Designing with data: interactive data visualization
Memphis Statistics: Baseline Thriving Indicators – using I prototyped embedding key statistics and descriptive test into this visual, interactive platform for stakeholders in Memphis. (Note: if the image scaling seems distorted, then please view the original link at
Center for Cultural landscapes: School of architecture
The Pollocks Branch Cultural Landscape Atlas: This atlas brochure is intended to provide a unique perspective to the Pollocks Branch watershed and creek — one of the most historic and contested terrains in Charlottesville. The Cultural Landscape perspective is a way of seeing the entire watershed as a complex network of human settlement patterns, interwoven with ecological and landscape processes. This perspective reveals the way that the places, neighborhoods, and landscapes around us reflect the past, and serve as the meaningful composition or setting for our collective existence. From 2014 – 2015 while teaching in the School of Architecture, I also directed research and projects for the Center for Cultural Landscapes. I oversaw the entire production and designed many of the pages for this Atlas (below).
Image Gallery:
Brand identity direction
I directed and collaborated with these consultants while overseeing certain aspects of branding, logo design, and website development: Journey Group, Handshake Studios, Ydraw, Sincerely Truman, and CE Henderson & Co.